Experiments in Terror
Abstract & Experimental Horror
As if by some irresistible compulsion to witness the mortification of the flesh, EXPERIMENTS IN TERROR perversely unearths a celluloid sarcophagus of horrible, horrible beauty...
...a phantasmagoria of the uncanny, the dreadful, and the macabre...
...a pathological delirium of witchcraft, phantoms, and the undead. Using visionary cinematography and a masterful montage of rare film artifacts, these amoral auteurs probe every dark corner of the human psyche, with morbid curiousity and in lurid detail! This shocking program explodes the genre of the horror film, profoundly expanding the cinematic language of fear.
Titles include:
- Outer Space by Peter Tscherkassky
- Gavin Smith's "Films Of The Year," Film Comment
- Golden Gate Award: Best Short, San Francisco International
Film Festival
- Audience Award: Best Film, Cinematexas
- Tuning The Sleeping Machine by David Sherman
- Official Selection, 1997 Whitney Biennial; 1996 New
York Film Festival; San Francisco International Film Festival;
VIPER (Lucerne, Switzerland)
- Ursula by Lloyd M. Williams
- Gold Medallion, Cannes Film Festival, 1961. Best Scripted
Film, Best Special Effects for Sustained Horror
- Dawn of An Evil Millennium by Damon Packard
- Journey Into The Unknown by Kerry Laitala
- The Virgin Sacrifice by J.X. Williams
Special Features:
- Excerpts from Jenni Olson's Trailer Camp; and
Bride of Trailer Camp
- Psychorama subliminal messaging
- The Haunted Mouth (w/ Cesar Romero)
- Upcoming Releases from Other Cinema DVD
This DVD is NTSC, Region 0 (playable worldwide). For commercial exhibition rates, please contact info@othercinemaDVD.com
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